1. Live Longer
2. Bye Bye Stress
3. For Your Heart
4. Stops Sore Muslces
5. Anti-depressant
1. Live Longer: Chocolate has eight times the amount of antioxidants found in strawberries! Antioxidants are so important for one's longevity since they protect the body from free radicals. These free radicals damage the bodies cells and organs and are the cause of aging and diseases like Cancer.
2. Bye Bye Stress: A study done at The Nestle Research Center in Switzerland showed that participants who rated them self as having high anxiety showed a decrease in stress levels after eating 1.4 ounces of chocolate every day. However, those who were given greater amounts than 1.4 ounces showed an increase in stress levels due to the fact that they were gaining weight. Like most things in life; moderation is key.
3. For Your Heart: Studies have shown that eating small amounts of dark chocolate every day will reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure. This is because Chocolate, like many fruits and vegetables, comes from a plant and is full of Flavanoids. Flavanoids are a type of antioxidant that reduce the risk of heart attack by preventing blood from clotting in the heart.
4. Stops Sore Muscles: Polyphenols, another type of antioxidant that is associated with Flavanoids, is found in chocolate and helps reduce the amount of severity of sore muscles in those who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. So if you find yourself craving chocolate after a workout, don't feel guilty when taking a bite!
5. Anti-depressant: Ever devour a box of chocolates after a bad test grade or rough break up? Well turns out that chocolate increases serotonin levels in the brain which combats depression and causes feelings of happiness. It also acts as an endorphin which is the chemical associated with feeling pleasure.
**Disclaimer: Chocolate may be a delicious addition to your healthy diet but limiting the amount of calories is essential. You only need a small piece of dark chocolate to see the benefits that dark chocolate has to offer.